Ben-Wyvis Scotch Whisky tasting notes

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Copyright Serge Valentin
Angus MacRaild



Ben-Wyvis Scotch Whisky tasting notes

The Whisky Tasting Index - Ben Wyvis (Highlands)


Ben Wyvis- Scotch Malt Whisky - Region: Highlands
WF Distillery Ranking: Cinquième Cru Classé (all current rankings here)

Status: Dismantled in 1977- Stills: 2 (1 wash, 1 spirit) - Founded: 1965
Address: Invergordon grain distillery- Phone:
Web: - More info: Malt Madness  

My favourite expression so far (so to speak):
Ben Wyvis 31 yo 1968/2000 (51%, Signatory, Cask #685)
85 points - Last tasted on June 9, 2004 - Tasting notes here.
Ben Wyvis

General Distillery Profile - keywords (wazzat?)
Coming soon...

MM Distillery profile:
Let me be the first to point out that the picture at the right isn't the actual Ben Wyvis distillery; I couldn't find a decent picture of either the Ben Wyvis 'distillery' or the large Invergordon grain whisky complex that actually was the home of Ben Wyvis. So, unlike almost every other distillery in this guide, Ben Wyvis wasn't a set of buildings - the picture is an 'artists impression'... ... More on Malt Madness.

Check all the 'winners' (90 points or more) on this wee list (PDF)

Whiskyfun tasting notes
  • Ben Wyvis 31 yo 1968/2000 (50.6%, Signatory, cask #687, 151 bottles) - 061007
  • Ben Wyvis 31 yo 1968/2000 (51%, Signatory Vintage, cask #685, hogshead, 191 bottles) - 090604 - by Angus - 170218
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