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Hi, this is one of our (almost) daily tastings. Santé!

February 24, 2016


Old Havana Whisky!

Only one whisky today, but you see, it’s THE Cuban whisky, which, I believe, they stopped making quite a while ago. If you ask any Cuban friends, that’s neither a pity nor a shame. According to the Herald Scotland, ‘Fidel Castro reportedly sent '’spies'’ to Scotland 40 years ago to learn how to make whisky'. Sounds fishy if you ask me. Anyway, I spotted an old bottle at the Saratoga in La Habana, and while all waitresses were seemingly admiring my bravery, I ordered a glass of it. I was feeling like a hero of the revolucion, you see. But what does it taste like? Let’s see…

Old Havana (40%, OB, Cuban whisky, +/-2010?)

Old Havana (40%, OB, Cuban whisky, +/-1995?) According to the label, this baby iwas made at Ronera Santa Cruz. That’s the place where the Havana Club blanco and oro rums are made. Colour: gold. Nose: rounded and smooth and, to tell you the truth, rather closer to some light rum such as Havana Club 3yo indeed. Now there is some kind of marzipan, perhaps a little cheap ‘supermarket’ milk chocolate, and, perhaps, hints of flat Guinness. Which may go to show that some cereals have been used at some point. No foul notes so far, I have to say. Mouth: it’s a curious thing, this, but as almost always, when it’s curious and unusual, it’s fun to taste. What shall we say? Perhaps ‘American coffee’, but that’s a little strange since Obama will only show up in La Havana next month. The same feeling of Guinness, or rather that Belgian dish that can be fantastic when it’s made properly, carbonnade flamande. Certainly some brown beer, or rather a sauce made thereof, then, I’m afraid, some bitter caramel and, well, some regular caramel. But it’s not repulsively awful, not at all. Even the body’s acceptable. Finish: nah, things go pear-shaped now, it gets bitter, too dry, and too drying. Many things burnt. Comments: I’m so happy I could try this Cuban rarity! And defy all the barmaids and barmen who kept pestering me, wondering why I didn’t choose Johnnie Red or Chivas instead. Apologies, amigos! SGP:331 - 45 points.







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